496The film centers around a girl who inherits a miniature horse that develops an unlikely friendship with her half-sister's Jack Russell Terrier, who ta -
867霍莉(凯瑟琳·海格尔 Katherine Heigl 饰)与埃里克(乔什·杜哈明 Josh Duhamel 饰)被他们的共同好友诺瓦克夫妇撮合,结果第一次约会就是灾难性的。不过两人好歹相识了,从此在任何有幸共同出席、互打照面的场合互相拆台,闹出不少笑话。天有不测风云,一场车祸夺去诺瓦克夫妇的性命 -
271When a young coffee shop owner is threatened with repossession she must take a chance with life and love as she fights to save her business